Salt of the earth

Andrew Salter being congratulated by team mates after taking a wicket in last year's final at Lord's As motivational talks go, the one received by Andrew Salter when he linked up with England U19’s must rank as one of the best. There were no Churchillian speeches, no ‘ This is your Everest’ moment as relayed by Jim Telfer to the pack of British Lions forwards chosen to take on the Springboks in 2009, just a simple one that ensured the young stars of the future knew just how good they were. “Most of you will play first class cricket, some will go on to play for England,” was what they were told, 16 simple words to the best young cricketers in the UK that year. It takes talent to reach that standard; a natural gift that few possess. Talent can get you that far when you are that age but to reach the pinnacle of any sport requires something more, something that millions of us do every day and most don’t enjoy, something that Salter has been doing all winter as he hon...