It's not the size of the dog but....

Newgale is Nirvana for dogs. Not the dogs I saw on the beach. On Tuesday there were a proliferation of pooches running around the place with two in particular catching the eye. The lady must have thrown the ball over twenty times and with every throw the dogs ran after it. The light coloured Labrador always won although the chocolate coloured one never gave up as it scuttled up behind trying to fetch its prize. It was the older of the two with the odd spec of grey showing in-between its dark shiny coat and its hind legs didn't move quite as freely as it's mate which no doubt slowed it down. I can relate to that given I'm in the Autumn of my time wearing whites but what I couldn't relate to was its perseverance in the face of constant defeat. I would have given up; the fight is no longer in me as there would be nothing to fight for; not even pride. I would never have won so why even try? After reading the results from last week I'm wondering if local...