The Stats
There was an end of season meeting held a few weeks ago in Haverfordwest Cricket Club where a few issues were discussed ahead of more winter tinkering. Discipline was one issue and one that resulted in the biggest debate of the night. Without going into too much detail the thought is that discipline on our cricket fields is getting worse. Every season we hear of someone getting banned, this year two players from the same club were given an enforced break after separate incidences led to them getting hauled in front of the county’s disciplinary panel. Having been there myself last year (in a supporting role I hasten to add not as a suspect) it’s not that nice an experience. One Saturday you are sat talking merrily about the game with members of the said panel and the next their eyes are fixed upon you looking for chinks in your armour in order to spot if you are telling the truth or not. It’s a waste of a Sunday afternoon too in my eyes and all for a silly spat on the pitch...