
Pokemon Go - It's just not cricket Pokémon Go players are a ‘bunch of idiots who need to get a life.’ That’s the view of one veteran of the local cricket scene who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of being captured by an Avatar. His views came to light after a game of cricket was nearly cancelled due to half his team playing the latest craze to sweep across the globe in which people with mobile phones walk into traffic, lampposts, graveyards and people in the hope of catching cartoons. For the uninitiated, Pokémon Go is a game whereby a player travels around catching creatures such as Fairies, Ghosts, Bugs and other such made up characters who show up in unexpected places such as schools, changing rooms, pub gardens and ponds. If a player has the game open on their phone, they throw a ball at the said Pokémon in the hope of catching it. It’s like a mobile phone version of skittles but instead of hitting over skittles you catch characters instead. ...