Roaring Tigers

Hicks in action against Cresselly
seconds who they play today
Johnston skipper Josh Hicks wasn't even born when Pakistan captain Imran Khan delivered his famous team talk at the 1992 Cricket World Cup.

Faced with elimination, the Pakistan legend (and now Prime Minister) sat his team down, gave them the stark facts and said it no uncertain terms that they need to fight 'fight like a cornered tiger' in order to survive.

It worked for a few weeks later it was he that lifted the trophy as the England team they beat in the final looked on dejected.

Twenty nine years later and Pembrokeshire's very own Tigers are doing the same having fought like cornered tigers in the season before the pandemic put paid to league cricket. They were not only relegated but faced the stark reality of folding as a club as players left.

"It wasn't easy," said Hicks. "We were taking the field with nine players, four of which were cricketers and the rest made up of those not wanting to see the club fold."

They were losing heavily but even so, there were signs things could improve.

"The cricketers in the team were able to compete and I had one of my better seasons so it wasn't all bad. In fact it was one of my most enjoyable seasons and at 26 I was coming up to the best of my days and I just wanted to see us get better."

It appears he's getting his wish. With Lee Summons and Chris Firtzpatrick returning from Haverfordwest and Leigh Waters and Gary James returning from Herbrandston and Llangwm respectfully their batting and bowling has been bolstered and it's showing on the pitch.

"I was saying to the boys the other day," added Hicks. "We've either batted really well or bowled really well, we haven't done both together and when we do we'll really click.

"We're not phased by anyone. People say that 'Tish had players out when we beat them in the Harrison-Allen but so did we. 

"We lost our first game but have been unbeaten since. "We're an attacking team, a young team and we're only going to get better."

A few seasons on from one of their most difficult and they've got the results to prove it. Their top of division three and in the quarter-finals of the Harrison-Allen playing Burton for a shot at the semis.

They've already beaten a division one team and second division Pembroke in the previous round. With another division two team to face in the quarters, you wouldn't bet against them reaching the next round.

Imran Khan believed nothing is more dangerous than a cornered Tiger and Johnston are proving him right.



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